Our Approach

Play Therapy

Play therapy is a form of therapy designed specifically for children, providing them with an opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings through play. It is a non-directive approach, allowing children to freely engage in play while the therapist observes and interacts as needed.

How Play Therapy Works

Through the use of various toys and games, children can act out and make sense of their experiences, enhancing their emotional well-being and promoting healing. Play therapy helps children develop coping skills, improve their communication and problem-solving abilities, and gain a greater understanding of themselves and others. It is particularly beneficial for children who may struggle with verbal expression or have experienced trauma or emotional difficulties. By creating a safe and supportive environment, play therapy enables children to explore and process their emotions in a natural and therapeutic way.

How Play Therapy can Help

Play therapy is a valuable approach that can greatly assist children in coping with mental health challenges. By engaging in play, children are able to express their emotions, thoughts, and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. Through various forms of play, such as role-playing, art, or storytelling, children gain a sense of control and learn to communicate their feelings effectively. Play therapy allows them to explore and understand their emotions, develop problem-solving skills, and build resilience. Moreover, it helps children develop a positive self-image and improve their self-esteem. The therapist provides guidance and support throughout the process, encouraging the child to express themselves freely and validating their experiences. By addressing mental health issues through play therapy, children are empowered to overcome difficulties, build healthy coping mechanisms, and ultimately thrive in their daily lives.

We provide a free 15 minute consultation

Speak to someone to determine whether Play Therapy might be right for your child